Can Health Insurance Premiums Be Claimed On Taxes
One of the most controversial issues of Earl Warren years as
governor was his effort to achieve passage of state administered health
insurance from 1995 through 1999. It was an issue in which he strongly
believed, having for years witnessed the hardship imposed by medical bills on
families in modest circumstances, the ill-fed for whom sickness was more
frequent. Many observers believe this is also the issue on which Warren chose
to make a stand for his Independent leadership of the people of California
against control by powerful interest groups.
The concept of health insurance legislation can be traced
back to Germany under Bismark In the 1880s and to a limited law enacted In
England in 1911. The California Social Insurance Commission recommended compulsory
health Insurance in a 1917-1919 study. During the 1920s, the French and German
communities in San Francisco operated health services for members of their own
nationalities at their own hospitals, similar to the church-based medical care
societies which were common in Europe. A scattering of companies provided
partial coverage insurance plans for employees, and a few physicians were
experimenting with prepayment for care of clients of Joint medical practices.
It was during this decade that, as a young attorney in
Oakland, Warren frequently met for dinner with a group of young physicians and
lawyers, providing an opportunity for casual exchange of professional concerns
and opinions. As the post war years gave way to the Depression, growing worries
were expressed about the increasing numbers of people unable to pay their
medical bills. Another lively topic would have been the five-year study of
costs of medical care, headed by Secretary of the Interior (and later Stanford
president) Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, which? In 1932 suggested tax-supported health
insurance as a solution. Simultaneously, extensive research was underway at the
University of California and other universities, codifying the actual human
facts of employment, health and living conditions and developing general
principles for universal health insurance.
The details of possible legislation to provide relief for
the burden of medical care appealed to the public spirited. Warren, who by now
had become district attorney of Alameda County occasionally offered advice to
his medical friends. State wide, the House of Delegates of the California
Medical Association approved the principle of compulsory health insurance and
directed a committee to draft legislation, which was introduced in 1935 by the
chairmen of the senate committees of Public Health, Insurance, and Banking.
This comprehensive medical
health Insurance bill (SB 454) covered employed workers and their
families plus voluntary enrolments, allowed employers the alternative of
contracting with private insurance companies for coverage, established a system
of regulations covering the services of all health professions, required their
licensing, and established a fund for payment of benefits. The fund required a
5# employer payroll contribution including l/2# to J-1/2% deducted from
employee salaries plus a contribution from the State General Fund varying to
maintain a cash reserve.
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